Friday, October 30, 2009

For whom do we work?

(This one isn't exactly for the self-employed)

It came up in a discussion with someone yesterday. I think it changes with time.

When we get our first job, we work for the excitement of doing a new job, of exploring a new world, learning the tricks of the trade. And, of course, to boast about working for a famous organisation, if it is so.

Then enters the money matters scenario (unless your Dad's rich enough to not let you bother about it). We start comparing ourselves with peers or ex-classmates and ex-colleagues and decide that we deserve more. So we start working for the money.

Over a period of time comes the realisation that if the boss remains happy, money is guaranteed. So we start working for the boss. This is where most of us lose control over our careers and gladly hand over the charge to the boss.

And when we develop experience and expertise, with it comes the confidence that ultimately it is we who matter. At this stage, we start working for ourselves, for OUR satisfaction, for OUR delights, for taking up newer challenges that excite US, for giving OURSELVES a sense of achievement. This is what I believe the stage of self-motivation.

I think I am at this stage now and cannot guess what lies beyond. So let me enjoy it while it lasts. I shall let you know when I will realise that I have enetred the next stage.

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